Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Where has the year gone??

Can ya'll believe how fast this year is going by??  I for one cannot.  It amazes me everyday when I look at the calendar, that another day has flew by!  Who besides me is over this heat!!  It is awful, and I don't remember it ever being this hot.  I'm so thankful that I work in side!!  Saturday, I went and played a round of golf, sounds so strange saying that, and the heat about killed me and I seriously thought Shane was going to have a heat stroke!! 

Well I thought I'd continue my bucket list #31-#60...

31.  Sew a dress...I have a sweing machine, just not the time to make a dress!
32.  Get caught up on my reading...currently reading The Girl Who Played with Fire...so good...
33.  Visit the "Jesus" statue in Brazil
34.  Visit the Taj Mahal
35.  Go on an African safari!!  Lions, and Tigers, and Bears OH MY!
36.  Own a Dodge Challengeror a 1966 Ford Mustang
37.  Own a piece of Tiffany jewelry
38.  Take a cake decorating class
39.  Take a jewelry making class
40.  Go to the Grand Canyon
41.  Go Rafting down the Colorado River
42.  Go to Australia (if only I could have gone w/ Oprah)
43.  Go to a major awards shows!!  Preferably the Grammy's!
44.  Go back to The Brooklyn Tabernacle (amazing church in NYC)
45.  See Bon Jovi in Concert!!  Who wants to go next time their in Atlanta??
46.  See Rock of Ages!  Saw this at the Fox on Sunday!!  It was great!!
47.  Own a children's consignment store
48.  Own a king size bed
49.  Birth an athletic superstar, preferably one who plays football or golf!
50.  Make a goumet meal
51.  Cook w/ Paula Deen
52.  Eat @ Lady and Sons in Savannah
53.  Have gerber daisies growing in our yard!
54.  Be debt FREE!  I am definately working towards this!
55.  Be able to help put our children through college
56.  Work on a presidential campaign
57.  Beat Shane @ Guitar Hero!
58.  Visit Georgetown Cupcakes in DC
59.  Be a wedding planner
60.  Drive Route 66

I'll continue the rest of my list later!!  Hope everyone is having a wonderful summer!!